US makes deal with Iranian to swap prisoners

US makes deal with Iranian to swap prisoners

The United States has reached an agreement with Iran for a prisoner exchange, and this deal has faced criticism from Republicans. To get comprehensive details on this matter, we encourage you to read the full article. Stay with us for all the latest insights and updates.

Washington is emphasizing that the funds designated to be unblocked, facilitating the release of detained American citizens, belong to Tehran itself. Consequently, Republicans are strongly condemning the Biden administration’s prisoner exchange with Iran. Former President Donald Trump and Republican lawmakers had previously accused President Joe Biden of paying a ransom to Iran to secure the release of American prisoners. However, they are now expressing their anger and disapproval of the Biden administration’s decision to execute a prisoner swap with Iran, alleging that it amounts to paying ransom to a state sponsor of terrorism.

Additionally, the administration has informed Congress that it has moved forward with the agreement, which addresses issues related to providing Tehran access to $6 billion in oil revenue previously frozen by US sanctions. According to the terms of the agreement, the administration will release five Iranians detained in the US in exchange for Iran releasing five Americans it has held. Former President Trump, on Tuesday, criticized Biden, characterizing the deal as a terrible thing.

Furthermore, a senior official in the Biden administration has stated that the money held in South Korea rightfully belongs to Iran. This official has explained that during the Trump administration, various other countries, including India and Turkey, were permitted to continue purchasing oil from Iran and deposit the resulting funds in special accounts. The official clarified that these funds are not being directly transferred to Iran; instead, they will be moved to restricted accounts in Qatar. The United States will closely monitor how these funds are utilized.

It’s worth noting that the State Department did not respond to inquiries about the Republican backlash as of Tuesday. Some individuals and Republicans have expressed concerns that the administration’s agreement might incentivize adversaries of the United States to take more American citizens hostage. The administration has briefed Congress on the specifics of the deal and has scheduled additional briefings for the coming week. Importantly, it has been highlighted that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were not carried out by Iran but by members of Al Qaeda, most of whom were Saudi nationals. The White House has emphasized that the unused funds can only be used for humanitarian purposes and are subject to stricter legal restrictions compared to their status in South Korea.

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