Google News Publisher Center Not Live issue Fix | How to Fix Google Publisher Not Live Problem

Google News Publisher Center Not Live issue Fix

A Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing the Google News Publisher Center Not Live Issue


You’ve probably run into the “Google News Publisher Center Not Live” problem before if you’re a news publisher trying to get your articles listed on Google News. Although this issue can be annoying, don’t worry—we’ve got you covered. This thorough tutorial will walk you through the steps to fix the problem and make sure that Google News gives your work the exposure it merits.

The Google News Publisher Center is what, exactly?

Let’s quickly define the Google News Publisher Center and discuss why news publishers need it before moving on to the solution.

A tool called the Google News Publisher Center gives publishers the ability to control their online visibility. To submit, maintain, and optimize your news content for inclusion in Google News search results, it offers the necessary tools and resources. Your online visibility can considerably rise and more people will see your news stories if you are featured on Google News.

The Annoying “Not Live” Problem

What precisely is the problem with “Google News Publisher Center Not Live”? Your publication can’t go live on Google News because of a mistake. Your news material won’t show up in Google News search results when this problem occurs, which reduces its effect and audience.

But don’t panic, there is a perfectly viable solution to this problem. Let’s look at how to solve it:

1. Review Google’s Content Policies

Reviewing Google’s content policies is the first and most important step. Make sure your news content satisfies Google’s standards, which include requirements for content quality, originality, and journalistic standards. To ensure that your material satisfies these requirements, make any necessary changes.

2. Verify Your Website’s Ownership

You need to confirm website ownership in order to be eligible for Google News. This entails including a certain HTML file or meta tag in the header of your website. Following a successful ownership verification, Google will acknowledge you as a respectable publisher.

3. Set up the Google News Publisher Center

Make an account in the Google News Publisher Center if you don’t already have one. You may manage your news content here and fix the “Not Live” problem. During the setup process, be careful to offer correct and current information about your magazine.

Step 4: Enter Your Website

You can request Google News inclusion for your website inside the Google News Publisher Center. In this step, you must include critical information about your website and its news sections. Ensure that your content categories correspond to the subjects you cover.

5. Follow the technical requirements.

Make sure your website conforms with Google’s technical specifications to prevent the “Not Live” problem. These include developing a responsive design, having a valid XML News Sitemap, and clearly identifying the writers of your articles.

6: Continue to Update Your Content Frequently

Regularly release top-notch, original news articles. Your chances of being included on Google News can be improved by providing frequent updates and original content.

7. Watch and Wait

After making the required adjustments and improvements, check the Google News Publisher Center to see how your website is doing. Google may need some time to evaluate your site and decide whether it satisfies their requirements. Be patient as this procedure continues.

8: Look for additional help

Do not hesitate to contact Google’s support staff for assistance if you have completed all the procedures but are still experiencing the “Not Live” problem. They can offer solutions and direction to fix the issue.


The visibility and audience of your news outlet can be considerably increased by being included on Google News. Even though fixing the “Google News Publisher Center Not Live” problem can be difficult, using these procedures will enable your material to stand out on Google News. Keep in mind that the secret to long-term success in the realm of news publishing is consistency, quality, and adherence to Google’s criteria.

Following this advice will put you on the right track to fixing the problem and reaping the rewards of Google News inclusion. Don’t let technological difficulties stop you from sharing your news; act now and reach more people.

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