Green Comet Nishimura passed its closest point to Earth

Green Comet Nishimura passed its closest point to Earth

It’s worth noting that just a month ago, a comet named Green Comet Nishimura was discovered, and it is now approaching the sun, offering people in the northern hemisphere a unique opportunity for observation. To get all the details and the latest updates, please read the full article.

Green Comet Nishimura, also known as C/2023 P1, is currently visible for observers in the northern hemisphere. Its distinct green tail is visible in the early morning hours as it moves closer to the sun. Unfortunately, those in the southern hemisphere will have to wait until late October to catch a glimpse of Comet Nishimura. This celestial event can be observed in the mornings before sunrise until September 17, which marks its closest approach to the sun. The best viewing time is in the early morning, but as the week progresses and the comet nears the sun, it will become increasingly challenging to see. If the comet survives its close encounter with the sun, it may still be visible from the southern hemisphere after September 17. Observers in the northern hemisphere can look towards the northeast about an hour before sunrise, where the comet will appear low in the sky.

To locate the comet precisely from your location, you can use a stargazing app, especially since it is situated in the constellation Leo. If you’re having trouble spotting it with the naked eye, using binoculars should help reveal the comet’s tail, which might appear as a fuzzy blob to the unaided eye. It’s worth mentioning that Comet Nishimura is considered rare because it was discovered just a month ago by amateur astronomer Hideo Nishimura. Typically, there is more lead time between the discovery of a comet and its becoming visible in our skies. While comets visible to the naked eye are not exceptionally rare, this particular one takes 437 years to complete its orbit around the sun, so it won’t return until the 25th century. As for its green appearance, it’s due to the presence of diatomic carbon, a relatively uncommon form of carbon gas, in the coma of the comet. Comets like this one are composed of a mixture of ice and rock and originate from the Oort cloud, a region in the outer solar system.

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